The social and physical conditions of the cities of Umbria Region are really different from the conditions of other areas of the Country, and in the same way the dimension and complexity of problems that the Region and the Municipalities faced in the passing of time are different. The present condition of Umbria cities, and in particular way their historical centers, is the result of years of regional policies dedicated to the revitalization of urban settlements. This has been done starting from the recovery of the physical sense of the historical city and the peripheries, and went on supporting the economical tissue, the operators of small retail, the right of a house, of mobility, the access to essential urban services but also innovative urban services, like internet access.
The experience of the PUC, the Programmi Urbani Complessi (Complex Urban Programs) represents an original and operative way to face the different profiles of the theme of urban regeneration, stimulating the attention seeking of institutional operators and of the various actors of this field, first of all the inhabitants and retail workers of the area.
It has been possible to pursue intervention strategies able to revitalize big parts of Umbria cities thanks to the commitment of the Public Administrations, that gave a vision of the future to their communities, and that employed resources from various origin: by the State, the Region, the European Community, but also Municipalities and private families with continuative operativity and pressure for innovation.
The innovations introduced in the project contents of the PUC, and in the linked instruments like the “Quadri strategici di valorizzazione” and “Piani di marketing urbano” and the partnership public-private, created a common qualified knowledge of notions and good acting initiatives; this common knowledge will be enhanced even more by the new cycle of community programming 2014-2020, constituted by urban Agendas and internal Areas.