The process of modernization for the public lighting system, the intervention on the real estate, through the renovation of heating systems, frames, building insulation and the professional education of energy managers are only some of the possibilities offered by the intervention of energetic retrofit, to get immediate environmental and economic benefits for the public local administration.
The Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo started in 2010 a series of initiatives to provide the local bodies of its territory with the necessary tools to plan their energetic policies: audits of buildings and public lighting system, action plans for sustainable energy, plan for Municipal lighting system, courses on energy management subjects.
After the analysis part, it is necessary to find out the resources to diminish consumptions and costs, a real challenge in a period in which public money are always strictly bounded for economic reasons. Because of that, the Fondazione made “ESCo”, inspiring from to the principles of the European funds ELENA and MLEI, adapting them to the characteristics and the needs of the local territory. With its own resources, the Fondazione made energetic diagnosis, feasibility studies and offered support to the local public bodies to make the appropriate documents for a competition document for the selection of ESCo (Energy Service Company).
During the years, the Fondazione financed the realization of about 600 audits on buildings owned by the local municipalities. After this analysis, it has been created a list of 65 buildings that will be available from autumn 2016. In this way an ESCo can enter in the energetic management of the building, investing in the renovation and, with the saving generated by the new energetic efficiency, it will recover its money, getting interests on the investment and grant a money saving for the public body that keep the ownership of the building.
The awaited results of the project are representative of about 2 million EUR invested on the buildings of 15 Municipalities for a better environmental footprint, releasing resources that will be available to improve the development of the territory.