The project “PIU’ PRATO” has been admitted to the co-design phase of the POR FESR 2014-2020; for its realization, there will be a budget of € 6.031.666,85 coming from the regional public administration, plus another financing coming from the municipality, for a total of € 8.236.000.
The main goal of the project is to reuse the existing buildings to find a new and different characterization of the abandoned industrial complex.
The concept of “reuse” is not limited to find a new function to the existing buildings, but it is also trying to find a connection with the urban quality of the city around it. To do that, the project need to face both the problem of the recovering of the existing buildings and the new function that they will have, with the realization of strategic open spaces that are the real added value of the entire intervention.
Through the new definition of the system of public spaces, which is the backbone of the entire project, the intervention is able to connect different urban elements between each other and with the urban context, connecting the three project areas that accommodate different functions but keeping them inside the same strategy of urban renovation:
– Porzione Nord : Medialibrary, Bar, Coworking and square
– Porzione Centrale: Mercato Metropolitano and Piazzetta
– Porzione Sud: Playground