Expo 2015_2The Italian regions will participate actively to Expo 2015, presenting targeted projects to create a strong, unified national framework and projected towards the resumption of the development of the country. Contributions and initiatives consistent with the values of the event and capable of telling the peculiarities and specificity of the Italian territory, enhancing the excellence.

The regions were divided, by the Scientific Committee, in five specific areas:

  • the North West: Piemonte, Val d’Aosta, Liguria and Lombardia;
  • the North East: Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna;
  • the Middle Italy: Toscana, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise and Sardegna;
  • the South and the Napoli-Bari: Campania, Basilicata, Puglia and Calabria;
  • the island: Sicilia.

The regions, with this configuration, will create initiatives that actively involve the territories of reference and propose projects that engage the issues of:

  • management and valorization of agricultural tradition,
  • establishment of food of each individual power territory,
  • protection of community situation;
  • clarification of new welfare adopted by individual realities;
  • enhancement, protection of artistic and cultural assets that characterizes the totality of our country;

The XI Edition of Urbanpromo offers to the regions and to all subjects which they called to participate with its initiatives, the opportunity for a comparison, an upgrade and dissemination through exposure and review of projects.

It also offers the opportunity to develop coordinated strategies so that it can be ensured the spread of “effect” EXPO throughout the national territory, guiding visitors to the manifestation from Milan to local realities.