Marketing Urbano_2Policies, projects and experiences developed through the public-private partnership in the field of networks for urban regeneration.
In the online gallery the best and most innovative practices regarding policies, strategies and projects for the revitalization of economic activities and urban systems.

During the conferences, the participants converses with the most authoritative representatives of significant experiences, they know how and solutions that have led to success and functional efficiency to improve accessibility, competitiveness and innovation of enterprises, useful monitoring and evaluation of interventions.

The section discusses:

  • old towns centre and depressed areas of the city that welcome revitalization processes;
  • homogeneous spaces for productive sectors that pursue integrated promotion;
  • revitalization paths using the improvement of governance and the innovation of formulas. For example, those related to the policies for the spread of urban agriculture and policies, strategies and tools to make cities more accessible.
  • networks, districts and other aggregates to achieve greater competitiveness and efficiency of the territories;
  • cooperation agreements on services, culture, tourism, economic activities and quality of life;
  • urban agriculture promoted through incentives and urban equalisation, dedicated to self-consumption aimed at containment of family expenditure.