The Operative Program Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020 (PON Metro) is the national operative program dedicated to urban sustainable development that, in line with the urban European Agenda and the Deal of Amsterdam, tries to realise integrated action in the italian metropolitan territories, and to help the definition of a national urban agenda. Unique example in the panorama of the european programming of cohesion policies, the PON Metro receive the challenge of making a strategy for the growth and occupation of Europa 2020, that include also the investment of at least 5% of the European resources comign from the European Fund for the Regional Development in urban development program, which deputize the management to the citizen Athorities, under the coordination of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion, which has the role of Management Authority.

The program, approved by the European Commission on the 14th of July 2015, has funds available for a total of 892 million EUR, of which 588 coming from european resources (446 million from the European Fund for Regional Development and 142 from the European Social Fund) and 304 Million from the national cofinancing fund.

The are of intervention of the program comprehend 14 metropolitan cities in italy (Torino, Milano, Genova, Venezia, Bologna, Firenze, Roma, Napoli, Bari, Reggio Calabria, Cagliari, Catania, Messina, Palermo), with a distribution of resources that include about 90 million EUR for every city of the South of Italy and about 40 million EUR for the cities in the North of Italy. The cities have been identified as Urban Authorities (AU) and will assume the role of intermediary Organism of the planning. For every metropolitan city the program will support an integrated strategy, in which the interventions are proposed from the same cities basing on common criteria previously defined by the National Program Authority.

The idea of development that the program follows is to employ a strong national synergy, focusing and enhancing the specific design identity of the different cities on 4 different themes that represent also the 4 main concept point of the program:
1. digital metropolitan agenda;
2. urban mobility and sustainability of the public services (energetic and environmental);
3. innovation and social inclusion, with particolar attention for the more fragile part of the population;
4. infrastructure for social inclusion