Social Housing_2The section dedicated to Social Housing will be the qualified area where experiences and proposals for low-cost and moderate rent housing will be discussed. A survey on urban projects that induce economic development, which promote social cohesion and integration of urban communities.

A look at the initiatives aimed at creating housing designed to provide a high standard of quality of living against a rent control.

Good practices and projects being compared in order to introduce:

  • joint actions that are leading to a reform of the public housing service through a conference between municipalities, regions and Components State, to reflect on the crisis of public service, housing policies enabled and activated, on the experiences taking place in our country;
  • the various initiatives and updates related to the program funds promoted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and their impacts. Comparisons and discussions aimed at defining what is social housing in Italy and how to enable further developments;
  • experiences and projects in large cities such as Milano, Roma, Napoli, Torino and many others. A comparison between the actions that characterize the main urban realities.