CDP Investimenti Sgr is an asset management company formed on February 24, 2009 by Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa, together with ACRI-Association of Foundations and ABI-Italian Banking Association.
CDP Investimenti Sgr capital is owned 70% by the Cassa depositi e prestiti and 15% each from ACRI and ABI.

CDP Investimenti Sgr manages: 

– the “investment facility for the living” (FIA) devoted to social housing

– the “investment facility for Redevelopment” (FIV) dedicated to the enhancement of public goods.
The FIA is a real estate fund reserved to qualified investors operating in private social housing with the purpose to increase the Italian territory offer of social housing for rent-controlled lease and sale at discounted prices, to support and complement the policies of the State sector and local government.

The goal is to build affordable homes for families unable to meet their housing needs, but with incomes greater than those which give entitlement to public housing assignments (the so-called “grey zone”).
The FIA has a signed amount to 2 billion and 28 million euros, of which 1 billion underwritten by Cassa depositi e prestiti, 140 million from the Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti and 888 million by banking and insurance groups and private pension funds.

The FIA invests its assets primarily in the units of real estate investment funds operating at the local level and managed by other asset management companies through shareholdings in maximum of 80%.
The performance objective of the FIA is about 3% above inflation, raised by a gain from rental coupon stream of properties and revaluation to maturity at their disposal