FICO Eataly World Bologna wants to tell the world the excellence of Italian food and wine, by enclosing in a unique location to the tradition, culture and Italian skills related to food quality.

FICO wants to become the frame of reference for the dissemination and knowledge of the Italian agrifood, the meeting place for all those who love food and that it wants to know the secrets and tradition, researching information and unique experiences. A place where there is food and environmental education.

The choice of Bologna is strategic: the city from food and food tradition, now well connected to all major cities in Italy and abroad.

The protagonists of the project, designed at the end of 2012, are:

• CAAB – Centro Agroalimentare, Bologna, who made part of their estate, currently occupied by the operators of the fruit and vegetable market;
• Comune di Bologna in Bologna City Of Food brands want to make herself as promoter and coordinator of all initiatives dedicated to nutrition issues occurring in the metropolitan area of Bologna;
• Eataly, who realized the architectural project and that, with COOP Adriatica, formed in October 2014 Eataly World Bologna, a company that will be responsible for managing and promoting the Park;
• Prelios SGR which established and manages the real estate fund PAI (Italian agri-food Park) in which the real estate and funds from other financial partners of the territory merge.

FICO Eataly World Bologna will include:
• 7,000 m2 of gardens and orchards;
• 4,000 m2 of demonstration farms;
• 2 aquariums;
• 11,000 sqm for 44 workshops;
• 20 restaurants;
• 10 classrooms;
• 4,000 sq. dedicated to events and conferences.

The objectives:
• 3,000 jobs spread on the territory
• 800 people who work inside the Park
• 5.8 million visitors per year
• 400.000 studenti coinvolti nelle attività didattiche