The “Piano Paesaggistico” (Landscape Plan) of Puglia Region defined as main goals of its “Strategic Plan” the redevelopment and enhancement of coastal landscape, assuming the coastal system as an element of heritage and great importance for the socioeconomical future of the region.

The regional project for the coastal landscapes has the double aim of blocking the processes of degradation derived by the touristic pressure, concentrated on the coast, and to develop the enormous urban, landscape, environmental heritage, already present, both in the coastal system and in its mainland.

The aim is to act with projects of urban regeneration that improve the urban and architectural quality, but also the ecological and environmental quality of the settlements, pointing on the redevelopment of the large new areas already present.
In this context we can see the 5 projects of development and integrated requalification of the coastal landscapes financed by Puglia Region, that selected project ideas of single municipalities or group of municipalities between the ones that are in the coastal area as identified by the areas to be “redeveloped” in the Plan. The project ideas point to the reduction of insediative pressure on coastal ecosystems, even through interventions of removal of any elements to be considered negative for landscape quality (infrastructures or settlements), environmental remediation and natural restoration of spoiled areas. For the acquisition of the executive design process, it is planned to use Project Competitions, as indicated in the L.R. 14/2008 “Misure a sostegno della qualità delle opere di architettura e trasformazione del territorio” (Instruments to improve the quality in architectural acts and in the transformation of the land).