The Galleria Manzoni, designed by Alziro Bergonzo and built in the late 1940’s, was a hub of primary importance within the city’s film and theater system. In recent years its original urban function has become obsolete. Parallel to the logical and necessary restoration of such a legacy, concerning both material and cultural conservation, there is the urgent need to reestablish the functionality of the Galleria facilities. The design proposal is both respectful of the existing material structures and revolutionary in completely redefining the spatial hierarchies of the building. Through the restoration process, the building becomes an openly inclusive space, having a continuous relationship with the dynamics of the surrounding city. The project offers to all an extraordinary example of decorative arts in its entirety, down to the last detail, with the conviction that it can still stand as an emblem of Italian luxury, excellence and unique taste embodied by the Galleria Teatro Manzoni.