A study with an only purpose: to face the challenges of the future staking on the protection and the promotion of the rural environment.

The Detailed Plan for the Agricultural Park (PPPA) adopted in 2012 is included in the Multilevel governance project, which provided for the simultaneous creation of four urbanistic tools: the PRG, the Detailed Plan for the Old Town Centre, the PPPA and the SIC Calanchi di Atri Management Plan.

The project is the result of strategic decisions supported by a variety of specialized contributions and targeted interventions.

Incentiving rural housing and stopping agricultural land consumption, improving hydrogeomorphological safety, enhancing natural attractions and local peculiarities: these are the goals to be achieved experimenting new rules designed to increase, compensate or, when necessary, equalize.

In conclusion, the purpose is not to upset the territorial planning or keep it unchangend and unchangeable, but rather to prepare the community to welcome those opportunities that in the future could concern the rural field; a result that will be made possible by a better knowledge of the many qualities of this outstanding park.