404: Not Found FHS – Fondazione Housing Sociale – Edizione 2015 – EN

The Fondazione, of which only aim is social solidarity, has the primary goal of contributing to solve the housing problem, promoting and creating initiatives of collaborative social housing that offer housing units at affordable prices and also provide services, spaces, instruments and knowledge to help the creation of smart communities.

Edilizia Privata Sociale is meant to give an easier access to the housing market to those who cannot afford the free market, to improve their housing and social context, that should led to an improvement of their condition.

In continuity with the values of Fondazione Cariplo, FHS is promoting the beginning, growing and development of no-profit operators that unify the management activity for the building and the services for the community of residents and the neighborhood.

The Fondazione, inspired by the principle of subsidiarity, is a private subject that try to reach the maximum coordination with the public policies about social housing, for example trying to maximize the amount of housing units located with different kind of low charge.

FHS, that is acting today on all the national territory, actived a serie of collaboration that goes from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (a great protagonist of the Piano Casa Nazionale), to bank foundations active in the field of Private Social Housing, public bodies and protagonists of the field of housing cooperation.