Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia is focused on sustaining and developing policies for the raise of cities and economies, based on processes of urban regeneration and economic revitalization, using the web to share cultural and economic resources, giving space to dynamic participations, and assuming the theme of sustainability and partnership as a priority.
Confcommercio acted on the territory to maintain on a high level the relation between the city and the economical activities, with its spirit and the goal of looking forward for the resources of the European program 2014-2020.
The operative fronts are several, and the most significants are:
- “Patto per le Città” (Agreement for the Cities), is an agreement subscribed on the national level by Confcommercio, Ance, Consiglio nazionale architetti and Unioncamere, that gave life to URBANPRO, “an incubator to make urban transformations easier” that works on a local level, in different Italian realities; this agreement acts for the definition of rules, models and instruments that could help the transformation processes and the optimization of resources, with reference to the structural Funds 2014-2020, but also to the resources of the ordinary city and territory management.
- The Deal subscribed between Anci and Confcommercio has the aim of stopping a law reformation process upon the theme of retail fees and rent, to help the owner of buildings to make use of the “cedolare secca”, a dividend tax, the same as for the housing location contract, where will be located activities without goods (because with low income) individuated by the public administration, reducing the renting charges. Another aim is to make aware the Municipal administration, so that they will locate, on the new PRGC or in its variants the areas to be subject of urban regeneration, and because they should better focus on the field of regulations for the possible applications and links to the direct and indirect Competition for the use of the European funds.
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