Bologna reviewed its goal of urban transformation in the scenario of these years, really changed from the past because of the economical and environmental crisis; the main points of this review are: increase in the livability and quality of public spaces, with a particular attention to environment sustainability, without consuming new terrains. The translation of those goals in interventions determined a significant investment of attention and resources into the regeneration of the existing building stock, both in energetic terms and structure security, in the recovery of dismissed places and in small and occasional urban interventions able to enhance the established value of the city (ex. Facilities and infrastructure fir social cohesion and environmental equilibrium). An enormous potential of urban transformation is represented today by a new possible interpretation for the spaces of ex-industrial or military areas, that will provide new shapes for new uses (ex. Staveco, Tecnopolo): it represents a complicated mix of interventions that requires new financial instruments, new way of activating resources and competencies and a new definition of the representative system for the governance of the territory.
A strategic orientation to urban regeneration must base on different planning instrument than in the past: plans and programs able to represents the complex context in which they are, and also make easier concrete and perceivable actions: this point of view help the start of, for example, the POC diffused qualification, the POC public properties regeneration, the Paes for sustainable energy and BlueAp for adaptation to climate changements.
This change of prospective, based upon the capacity of attracting and manage public-private collaborations in a metropolitan vision, make the city able to act for the transformation of the territory in the last period, characterized by economical crisis: investing on a “new city inside the city”, that means giving life or power to “shared” economies (ex. Collaborative spaces, flexibility and temporary uses…), “green” (ex. de-pollution techniques, energy production by renewable resources, urban re-infrastructure…), “agroindustrial” (ex. agricultural production, defense of the landscape, light mobility, promotion of local identity…).