38 new housing units to be rented in low charge in the city of Alba, has been just realised in Viale Masera, representing the first intervention of the Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Piemonte realised out of the metropolitan area of Turin.

The Fondo, with the participation of some bank foundations of Piemonte Region and CDP Investimenti, is born with the goal to offer houses for rent in lower charge than the free market, for all the people, growing in number, able to pay a rent but in difficulty with the present prices. Realising investments with social aspects of improvement is a challenge, and it is not easy to deal with it outside the metropoli, where rents are too high for many families, but not high enough to grant a minimum compensation of the capital.

Despite of the difficulties, the end of the first housing units began in September 2015 on the basis of a public announcement for the citizen of Alba that works inside the province of Cuneo, and that are not holder of an adequate house for the needs of their family; also other social and economical requirements have been defined.

The intervention of Viale Masera is managed by the Cooperativa Edilizia Giuseppe di Vittorio an it is part of a special agreement with the Municipality of Alba.

The incoming requests for the housing overcame the number of available units.

The contract has a duration of 13 years, after this term the inquirer has a right of preemptive purchase, if interested, upon the housing unit.