Urban regeneration is now always on the agenda, mainly if it is related to whole buildings. The example of Via Caldera applies the procedures of urban regeneration to the scale of a whole neighborhood, made of several buildings, all belonging to the Degradi cooperative, thus extending the consideration to an urban scale.
The operation has allowed to look in depth to several project themes, all pertaining to the themes of social housing.
The starting point is increasing energy efficiency of buildings, an essential intervention, which is not sufficient by itself to speak of an “in depth” renewal.
But the planning process has included the social aspects of the neighborhood by designing a network of paths aimed at a reduction of architectural barriers and locating spaces for social relationships.
Last but not least, we have suggested the addition of a new building, offering apartments with new dwelling typologies, able to compact surfaces, to decrease building costs, thus offering solutions to families whose revenues are not sufficient to face the prices requested by the free market.