Urbanpromo will be the qualified set where a confrontation between different experiences and proposals for the low cost housing and the rent in low charge will take place.

An inquiry on the project about urban regeneration that involves economical growth, helps social cohesion and community integration. A focus on the technological and design innovations to create housings that improve the standards of living quality, reducing the costs of construction and provided with rent in low charge.

In the Triennale di Milano will be presented the results of the two working days with Urbanpromo Social Housing, it will take place in Turin between the 15th and 16th of October; and there it will go on with a confrontation about everything regarding the urban national policies for social housing, and the state of art for the social housing plannings.

Good practises and planning are compared to show:

  • the common acts that are carrying to a reform of the public service for the housing, through conferences between Municipalities, Regions and State Components, to reflect about the crisis of public service, the housing policies already activated and to be active in the future, basing on the experiences that are taking place in all the Country.
  • a conclusive analysis of the FIA’s (Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare) experience, financed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti for the constitution of local funds, finalised to the realisation of programmes for social housing. Confrontations and debats to focus on the social housing and how to make further development.
  • experiences and projects of big cities: a confrontation about the actions that are characteristic for the main urban realities on the theme of social housing, as a stimulus for urban regeneration.
  • an exposition of arguments and experiences linked together by innovation and the use of good practises, characterised by a strong investment on social management, by the great attention to the environment and technological innovation.
  • the social management initiatives for sustaining the emergency housing demand, promoted and realised by the foundations and no profit organisations.