Approaching a new phase in regional spatial planning, it is useful to focus again on the research and study of Ambiti paesaggistici (Landscape areas). These units represent not only an inspired guess for Regional Landscape Plan (PTPR) renovation, but also a useful tool for fruitful territorial planning: Ambiti paesaggistici focus mainly on the dynamics of land transformation and on the landscapes shaped in these processes.
Strategies and quality targets define the direction to aim for and identify the basis for future planning. For the areas subjected to intense transformation, such as the ones along via Emilia and in the southern coast of Emilia-Romagna, Ambiti paesaggistici offer the opportunity to think on the role that landscape can play in urban and peri-urban policies, with the aim to enhance urban settlements quality, to give value to the voids in our “porous” cities and to regenerate the areas which are organized in large meshes sized zones. In these spaces, the landscape design can contribute to exceed the dichotomy city/countryside with the aim to re-establish, differently, new alliances.
The developing experiences – presented in the conference ‘Paesaggi in divenire: la via Emilia e la costa romagnola’ (Evolving landscapes: the via Emilia and the southern coast of Emilia-Romagna) – represent a first selection of case studies, which are helpful to test the outlined strategies and conceive to new perspective linked to local settings.
In the showcased examples, the incursion of the landscape into urban policies is dealt with several approaches at different scales:
• Single project/design which echoes its effects in surrounding areas [REGENERATING URBAN LANDSCAPE – FAENZA, IMOLA, MODENA] ;
• Urban design where landscape rescue, enhancement or creation are the link for coordinated interventions [DESIGNING CITY LANDSCAPE – BOLOGNA, RIMINI, RICCIONE] ;
• Landscape planning of a multifunctional net of natural and semi-natural areas, used as basis for urban planning choices, in order to developing agrarian economy, enhancing environmental quality and, above all, citizens quality of life [PLANNING THE LANDSCAPE – RAVENNA, REGGIO EMILIA].