The proposal of the Municipality of Perugia concerning the national Notice for the urban regeneration and the security of the suburbs focus on an urban area close to the train station, involving the district of Fontivegge and Bellocchio.
The area object of the project is not a traditional suburb. It is a central area of the modern Perugia (in the district is also present the directional center and the Piazza del Bacio, designed by Aldo Rossi), where the housing has changed against the “traditional” families and where, because of the presence of the station, social problems are going on.
The project is in the context of a precise strategy of renovation and regeneration of the area, already activated with funds from the Agenda Urbana.
The proposal consists in particular way of a series of punctual interventions integrated between each other and easily realizable, because they are meant to be realized mainly on public buildings (a library; a new district center; and the recovering of green spaces that connects the different parts). The project also consists of a series of “spreaded” intervention (video-surveillance, public illumination and other social projects addressed in particular to young people). Those interventions want to improve the level of livability, security and the quality of the city. Basically, the project propose a “mending” operation, to achieve a better urban quality based on reuse focused on the existing public real estate and the renovation of the green spaces that have a function of connective tissue.