404: Not Found INVESTIRE IN THE FUTURE – Edizione 2016 – EN

As primary independent operator of savings, specialized in the enhancement of real estate properties in different parts of the market, InvestiRE started important interventions of urban regeneration and requalification of dismissed and suburban areas. The Fondo Immobiliare of Lombardia is, for its mission, always careful about those themes and it is ready to have a strategic role, in particular way in the city of Milan but also in other cities of Lombardia region. The goal of InvestiRE is to have a positive impact on some areas of the city that need new services for the citizens and new livability. The interventions that better represent the new activity of the Fondo are:

– Merezzate: intervention of requalification of an entire urban system located in the South-East part of Milan, complementary to the near area of Rogoredo/Santa Giulia. The project predict the realization of about 800 apartments, of which 600 developed by FIL, and also the development of a network of activities that will support and increase the offer of services in the entre district.

– Via Novate: realization of a new building complex in the North-West part of Milan, in a district that today is, even if not really degraded, marginal because of its low dynamism.

The development will include the realization of 350 apartments totally dedicated to rent with low fee, the realization of common spaces, internal and external, dedicated both to the conductors and to the citizens of the area, which today is not provided with real place of aggregation and services.