After about 40 years of “ungoverned” territory, the Public Local Administration started a new debate over the city, to define a new organic and strategic vision, not based anymore on fixed, not negotiable rules.
The territory of Isola is related with a context of excellences (from the historical, architectural, naturalistic, agricultural and touristic point of view) but it is also compromised under many aspects. It is composed by several settlements with different physical and spatial features, their own history and identity, stressed in a strong way by defined values that should be recovered as a matrix for the definition of the new city.
The PSC defines a development scenario finalized to the enhancement of those excellences and the reduction of the existing issues through strategies of requalification and regeneration. Those strategies should be applied through 5 lines of intervention, which are also project themes: Urban Space – City of Tourism – City of Services – Mobility – Rural Space.
The PSC wants to enhance the polycentric urban system with new functional centralities and a network of connection (with infrastructures on one side, but also for technologies and services); The new project introduces innovations and find ways to award forms of private-public deals and partnership (perequazione), delocalization/regeneration and intervention for energetic efficency.