A lighting system that is not only reducing energetic expenses but also become a strategic infrastructure for the smart city: this is the hearth of Menowatt Ge, society born in the green and white economy with projects and registered products for energy efficiency. A reality with a strong experience in public lighting system with an energetic average saving of about the 45%.
The research developed by the society focus upon the technologies that transform the light point in a real hub for integrated services of the smart city. A significative case is represented by the Municipality of Francavilla al Mare, in the province of Chieti; there, together with the energetic efficiency improvement of the lighting system, a system to manage services has been made. The intervention involved 3908 lighting points on a total of 4188: thanks to the installation of systems Menowatt Ge, consumption reduced of the 48%.
An intervention of requalification, realized thanks to the attention of the public administration for a sustainable development, which wants to look further. Inside the lighting element has been put a radio technological device with transmission frequency of 169 MHz, which not only let to manage and control lighting system from remote, but also other activities, like the monitoring of the acoustic and traffic pollution, the state of use of the waste collection system and video-surveillance. After the radio infrastructure is in place, several services can be activated basing on the different needs of the territory: a more efficient public illumination system is only the first step towards a more livable and sustainable city.
Menowatt Ge is one of the first ESCo (Energy Service Company) accredited by AEEGSI/GSE and certified UNI CEI 11352. In the society asset, there are Legambiente, which demonstrates the effort towards sustainability and environment, and Nem Sgr Spa, another participation that demonstrates the advanced capability of ideating, designing and producing. Menowatt Ge strongly invest in Research and Development: the innovation of a product, all made in Italy, is at the base of the company’s policy.