404: Not Found REQUALIFICATION OF ANCONA CITY – Edizione 2016 – EN

This is the most strategic part for the development of the city, focus of the greatest urban projects of the last decade. It presents 4 related but diversified urban areas:
1 Northern Waterfront, characterized by security problems arising from the Great landslide of Ancona;
2 Northern Suburb Waterfront, urban area which includes Palombella district, the area surrounding the Railway station of Ancona and Archi district;
3 Mole Vanvitelliana Waterfront, surrounded by Archi historical suburb;
4 Ancient Port Waterfront.

The target area, within the Areas 2 and 3, is formed by the suburban area Palombella-Railway Station-Archi.
This area is characterized by economic and social marginalization, important demographic trends related to immigration, widespread urban decay and high geological risk factors.

Urban requalification plan identifies as following:
6 main measures

G1_ New Entrance to the Park of the Great Landslide of Ancona
G2_ Local Public Transport Bus Station (Service Station)
G3_ ex-ICP Via Marchetti District
G4_ Crocifisso Square- Archi District
G5_Avenue entering the Historic Suburban area – Archi District
G6_Social LAB “ArchiCittà” + Social Housing
3 Plans and Specific Studies
H1_ Waterfront Sustainable Mobility Plan
H2_ Economic and commercial development Plan for the Suburban Area of Palombella-Railway station -Archi
H3_specific study on Urban resilience of the landslide area
2 Complementary Measures (out of the Tender)
I1_ New Northern Waterfront Memorandum of Understanding MIT, RFI, AP, Marche Region , Municipality Ancona
I2_ Enhancement of the Heritage Properties – Memorandum of Understanding Municipality Ancona,RFI.