Regione Umbria has promoted and financed through a Public Notice (DGR 917 of August 1, 2016), the presentation of projects for the urban regeneration of existing public spaces for children. The Public Notice also introduced a competition to identify a logo to be representative of the designed public spaces. The competition was addressed to the children of primary and secondary school of first level and it has been promoted by Regione Umbria, in the Municipalities that presented projects of urban renovation for public spaces for children (DGR 917 of August 1, 2016). The competition was about the realization of a logo for the recognisability of the playground spaces dedicated to “all the children”, for a more inclusive and accessible city. The goal of the regional initiatives was the renovation of public spaces for children, to give a contribution for a city accessible to everyone, with particular attention to physical and social accessibility, where the direct involvement of the students assume a role of diffusion of the knowledge of the public spaces as places of social inclusion and relation without distinction, barriers and differences.