404: Not Found Partecipare – Edizione 2017 – EN


The event will adopt the form of a seminar, reserved to a closed number of participant, and with an international perspective.


26th September 2017 – ADVICE

Because of the strong request of subscription and the modality of the festival, that this year adopt the technique of the fishbowl (closed number of participant), the subscription are closed. We would like to remember you that the final results of of the festival will be presented in Milan, at the Triennale, during Urbanpromo Progetti per il Paese.



The initiatives in the program of the festival are recognized as formative events from the Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori e dall’Ordine degli Ingegneri of Torino.

The participation will give to the architects 6 CFP for every complete day, to the engineers the number of recognized credits will be proportional to the length of each initiative.

The subscription will take place at the reception of Urbanpromo at Open Incet in the days of the festival. The presence will be registered with signature while going in and while going out.