The Quadro Strategico di Valorizzazione – QSV of Spello is enclosed in the framework of the urban policies of Umbria Region about the regeneration of historical centres. Spello interpreted those urban policies through projects and interventions coherent with the european, national and regional planning regulation.
Those interventions are located inside a program defined by the QSV of the historic centre and the territory. The strength of the QSV can be summarized in the three souls of Spello: Accessibility-Attractivity-Acceptancy The acceptancy, the capacity to welcome, has been translated in a “smart” way through economic and environmental sustainability, with the use of technology for an inclusive city. The project has been conducted respecting the equilibrium between conservation and development of an historical urban frame with a high density of population and rich in services. With the QSV has been realized the first piece of a different kind of mobility to access the historic centre without barrier: the first of a more articulated system of interventions that is waiting for financing.