The European Commission identifies in the regeneration of cities a new priority for the revitalization of Europe. Cities are the favourite places for innovation, creativity, culture and “human capital”, the drivers on which Europe intend to build its own future. The urban areas are first of all places where the “quality” of this future is decide: the goal of a sustainable and inclusive development. A better life quality can be achieved only if our cities become more sustainable and inclusive. Not only the big cities, but also the medium-small cities that are the most numerous in our territory and which characterize, more than anywhere else, the social and economic European model.

This choice for Umbria, a territory of medium-small cities, represent a big opportunity. This choice has been adapted to the territory through the Urban Agenda, where we wanted to give an interpretation about the evolution of the urban policies’ traditional approach: not anymore only infrastructure intervention, but those of a more immaterial and innovative way; not anymore projects about the city but projects for the city; not anymore projects only for those who inhabit the city, but also for those who live the city.

Cities involved: Perugia, Terni, Foligno, Città di Castello and Spoleto.

Main Driver:

  1. redesign and modernisation of the urban services for inhabitants and users of the city;
  2. use of cultural and natural points of interest, referring to the attractive capacity of the cities, their growing potential related to the cultural, artistic and natural dimension;
  3. practises for social inclusion for the most fragile part of the population and for areas and district in disadvantage.