Built in Monza in 1923 as the Biennial of Decorative Arts, La Triennale di Milano has been housed in the Palazzo dell’Arte in Milan since 1933, designed by Giovanni Muzio and built between the autumn of 1931 and the spring of 1933. Conceived by the designer as an extremely flexible container, considering the era in which it was planned it represents an innovative multifunctional organism.

Born as an overview of the decorative and modern arts – with the aim of stimulating the relationship between industry, production sectors and applied arts – La Triennale di Milano is soon revealed a mirror of the artistic and architectural culture in Italy and one of the major points of comparison among emerging trends. La Triennale di Milano is the Italian institution for architecture, decorative and visual arts, design, fashion and audiovisual production; it is a center of cultural production that organizes conferences, film festivals, traveling exhibitions and exhibitions.

La Triennale is the ideal place to project the virtuality of the new Gallery of Urbanpromo 2018 in a dedicated and interactive space; it is an area where everyone has access to the projects avaiable on the online platform, can interact with them and can create their own exhibition path that will be projected and shared in real time.

In the Salone d’Onore (150 pax) will be held the institutional conferences and the main initiatives of the XIV edition of Urbanpromo. Conferences, training courses and seminars will be held in the Agorà (100 pax) and Triennale LAB (70 pax) rooms that are equipped for videoconferences and round tables. La Triennale di Milano also offers a wide space for the meeting.

During the event, Urbanpromo’s visitors can see the exhibitions scheduled for the same period. It’s possible to organize business lunches on the ground floor at the Triennale cafeteria. Inside the Hall of Honor it will be created an exhibition space where the Gallery of projects – also accesible on the website – can be consulted and the candidate projects for the URBANISTICA AWARD can be voted.