The strategy
The strategy, which goes with our project, aims to unify areas and strategic elements in order to realize a new ideal path from the historical city, with its monuments and main squares, with the new Darsena district and, through this one, to the sea and the natural landscape and environmental quality areas. On the other side, it aims to build, through the Darsena, an entrance from the sea to the historic city.
The interventions and actions will try to enhance the living and environmental quality of the city for the citizens, through the qualification of services, the increment in quantity and quality of the public spaces, the enhancement of the identity, cultural and landscape heritage, the environmental wellness, the development of sustainable mobility, the increment of resilience of the inhabited system towards climate change

The regeneration of the former military barracks
Main subject of the strategy is the functional reconversion and regeneration of the former military barracks, which comprehend the returning of the space-enclosure to the community of Ravenna and its new function as public park-garden-public vegetable garden. The project starts from its history and recover the setting from the 19th century, with contemporary functions and going back to the historic relationship and balance between built and unbuilt.

The project makes it possible to:

  • improve the permeability of the soil to water, favour the environmental equilibrium and the reconfiguration of a better natural habitat, inside the urban environment, through an important work of reopening of about 14.000 sqm of concrete squares;
  • improve the local meteor-climatic features and mitigates the heat island effect, reduce the concentration of pollution in the atmosphere and improve the thermo-regulation of urban settlements, through the removal of asbestos and the realization of a vast green surface