404: Not Found L’ex Marangoni Meccanica – Edizione 2018 – EN

The former Marangoni Meccanica is an area of about 18.000 m2 located in the Southern part of the city of Rovereto. At the moment of the acquisition from Rovim (April 2018) the same area, after representing for decades an important reality for the economy of the city, was dismissed and in a degraded state since the beginning of 2000.
The goal of the new property, which since the beginning activated a path of regeneration shared with the Public Administration of the Municipality, is to create value for all the involved actors, realizing a binding in the urban framework, which opens the landscape and relates two areas of the same district, now divided from the former industry.
The project starts with the decontamination (for asbestos presence and for the underground) and the demolition of the existing buildings. In the area will take place two buildings entirely built of wood ad with Social Housing function. Those housing units will be placed in a context, which will comprehend also a park of 5.000 m2 given to the Municipality. The development will be completed with some commercial buildings and pedestrian and bicycle paths. The entire development has been intended as a place for exchange and aggregation for the inhabitants and all the citizens.
In this way, the regeneration of the entire area represents the possibility to integrate the urban planning needs of the territory with private entrepreneurship, following principles of sustainability from an environmental, economic and social point of view.