The FIA works through a SIF – Integrate System of Funds: 30 real-estate local funds, managed by 9 SGR, that have the FIA as investor of reference (with equity shares between 60 and 80% of the total capital) and as co-investor the stakeholders of the territory: first of all banks acting as social foundations, but also Region, Provinces, Municipalities, cooperative societies and private developers. The resources moved by the SIF are about 3 billion Euro (3 times the investment by CDP), thanks to which the SIF can be considered – on a worldwide point of view – the third biggest intervention active in the field of impact investing.
The offer of the SIF predicts to realize for 2020 about 20.000 social housing units and 8.500 bed places in temporary and student residences, distributed along the entire national territory. Today more than 170 interventions have been already realized or are in progress.
The Social Housing program wants to promote, in particular way, three distinct strategies of interventions: (i) the new social housing districts in the cities, which offer housing units mainly for rent but also for sell with agreement (vendita convenzionata) for young couples, families with many children or with only one parent, and also for regular immigrants. Some of the most relevant examples, except the already known Cenni di Cambiamento, are: Borgo Figino and Cascina Merlata in Milano, Vivo al Venti, Cascina Fossata and Nuova Falchera in Torino, Sette Porte in Bologna, Piagge in Firenze, Padova via del Commissario, Corti di Medoro in Ferrara, Corti Perugine in Perugia, Quartiere Stadio in Lecce, Parco Gentile in Bari, Housing Città dei Sassi in Matera. (ii) the student and temporary housing, which offer housing units and services for students and all those that are facing a sudden- or limited-in-time housing issue; some of the most important interventions are: Ivrea24 and Campus Sanpaolo in Torino, Campus Certosa and Campus Monneret in Milano, Campus Santa Marta in Venezia, the hostel We_Bologna. (iii) The social and healthcare infrastructure and the housing for elderly people, self-sufficient or not, provide the basis for an innovative model that identifies in longevity a resource for the community; some examples of this are Villa Fastiggi in Pesaro and Civitas Vitae in Marche.