“Lombardia facile…oltre la disabilità” is the institutional platform of Regione Lombardia, devoted to promoting accessibility and availability of services  for disabled people.
It represents an innovative project with a public value, its audience is huge but it holds a special regard to those who look for specific information about the accessibility in Lombardia.
Lombardia Facile website is, as the name says, attractive, clear, updated and easy to navigate: information, answers, destinations, trips, voyages, accessible places and much more (work, school, transport, health, assistance, culture, sport, services, etc).
It is possible to find touristic options that take care of the visitor’s needs, with specific information based on real experiences of disables people, their families and those who care about hospitability and accessibility.
There are also facilitations and advice about study, work, moving and some tertiary sector associations to contact.
This extraordinary work is possible thanks to the integrated network  between the local associations: Aias Milano Onlus, Anffas Lombardia, Anmic, Ens, Ledha e Uici. They work together to  guarantee updated data and to take care of the informative area “Spazio Disabilità” that is a free service available on the whole regional territory. “Spazio Disabilità”, in collaboration with the most relevant disabled people’s associations, offers a concrete help to all the visitors and tourists through Lombardia Facile. On the website is possible to find information and useful advice to plan a trip. It’s a permanent service open to disabled people, their families, tourist operators, authorities and the whole  community.