

“Urban suburbs can no longer be defined simply as areas removed from the historical core or as standing in opposition to central areas, but as a cross-cutting condition that concerns the physical expansion of a city, which has been particularly pronounced in the last two decades. Suburbia includes all those more densely populated areas, which often experience degradation, marginality, social unease, insecurity and poverty”.
This is how the document issued by the Parliamentary Commission for the Suburbs begins. The purpose of the document is to pinpoint the objectives that public policies, even with the involvement of private investments, are called to pursue: redesigning and modernizing functionality and services, practicing social inclusion, creating a local labor market, regenerating the settlement habitat and securing the livability of public spaces.
The conference must be framed within these goals. On the one hand, it aims to keep the attention of urban culture on suburbia alive, and on the other, it seeks to present an overview of the original programs that banking Foundations and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti have been implementing in partnership with Public Administrations and municipal districts. Compare and contrast evaluations that focus on the suburbs of Milan, Naples and Turin will engender useful suggestions and stimuli for the further development of integrated regeneration policies on other urban realities. The comparison among cities is enhanced by the presentation of an important European experience, that of the city of Marseille.



9,00 – Registration of Participants

9,30 – Conference Presentation

Work Coordinators:
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT (Italian Urban Planning) President

Mirafiori after the myth
Luisa Bernardini
, President of District 2, Municipality of Turin
Bruno Manghi
, Mirafiori Foundation President

The model of intervention of Lacittàintorno and the example of the Corvetto Community Point in Milan
Paolo Cottino
, Technical Director, KCity
Renato Galliano
, Director of Urban Economy and Labor, Municipality of Milan
Sergio Urbani
, General Manager, Fondazione Cariplo

The Urban Renewal policies of the City of Marseille
Bianca Viarizzo
, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT
Nicolas Binet
, Director of Marseille Rénovation Urbaine

Urban regeneration in Naples
Francesco Domenico Moccia
, President of INU Campania, Federico II University of Naples
Massimo Santoro
, Operations Director, Municipality of Naples
Sacha Camerino
Francesco Verde
, Federico II University of Naples

In-depth Analysis
Issues raised are discussed with the following speakers:
Michele Talia
, INU President
Carlo Alberto Barbieri
, Polytechnic University of Turin
Paolo La Greca, University of Catania

1:30 – Conclusions:
Hon. Roberto Morassut, Undersecretary for the Environment