The Sila National Park has activated agreements for studies and research with various organizations: University of Calabria, University of Tuscia, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, National Research Council, Italian Academy of Forest Sciences, University Consortium for Socio-Economic Research and for the Environment – CURSA, Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics (CREA), for the realization of studies concerning the conservation and monitoring of biodiversity: barcoding of night butterflies, monitoring of entomofauna and chiroptera of wetlands and research on the accounting of natural capital and ecosystem services in the “MaB-SILA” Reserve.

The communication activity carried out aims to increase the awareness of the local population on the role and importance of the area through tools such as: #RISERVAMABSILA a heritage to share, a project aimed at enhancing and promoting the area falling within the area and its biodiversity . SILA STORYTELLING, a laboratory of experiences, stories, cultures, as a territorial and promotional marketing tool. SUMMER SCHOOL, aimed at enhancing the sustainability of tourism development in the Reserve.