Participation in the Liguria Region’s Urbanpromo is part of the Interreg Alcotra EDU-MOB project, which supports the dissemination and promotion of mobility education policies as well as concrete interventions in the extreme western part of Liguria and neighboring France, and more generally in the action of the Region to support urban regeneration of the territory also through the creation of cycling areas.
Only in 2019 the regional funding for this activity exceeded two million euros, with an action closely linked also to that of RFI and FS Sistemi Urbani, key partners together with the municipalities involved in the cycle development in western Liguria and the start-up in this period of construction of the route and enhancement of the ex-railway areas between San Lorenzo al Mare and Andora. The Liguria Region’s interventions fit into the wider framework of the Tyrrhenian cycle route, together with Tuscany and Lazio, with the aim of developing the pedestrian and bicycle mobility strategy and redeveloping the seafront of the entire “Riviera dei Fiori ”, a protected path of extraordinary beauty set between sky and sea.