Michele Talia, Presidente INU

Second session

The thematic articulation of the Conference is based on the awareness that a new urban cycle is now at the gates, and that the urban planning discipline is faced with a double challenge, which if on the one hand requires mobilizing the intellectual resources available to analyze in depth the radical changes that are taking place, or that will mature in the near future also as a result of the very recent health emergency, on the other hand, requires inserting the relationship between public policies and the plan design in a finally coherent and long-term framework.
In re-proposing the formula already successfully tested in previous editions of Urbanpromo, INU and URBIT intend to provide working hypotheses and contributions of ideas to the scientific community by organizing a conference of international importance. The conference is aimed at researchers, scholars and professionals working in universities, businesses and public administration, and makes use of the collaboration of the leading scientific journals in the URBAN PLANTS sector and Planum. The Journal of Urbanism.



Laura Ricci, La Sapienza University of Rome

Planning between visioning and monitoring
Alessandro Calzavara, INU Veneto

Sea level rise and regeneration strategies in coastal urban areas
Carmen Mariano and Marsia Marino, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Planning, Design, Architectural Technology

LEARN TO LEARN. How creativity and cognitive styles can innovate urban design
Maddalena Fortelli, Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Department of Urban Regeneration, Andrea Rinaldi, University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture

The space of interaction: places, actors and tools in Bologna
Valentina Orioli, Martina Massari, University of Bologna, DA – Department of Architecture

Planning adaptation with new cognitive tools
Giorgio Caprari, Rosalba D’Onofrio, Elio Trusiani, University of Camerino, School of Architecture and Design-UNICAM

Urban planning: what to save, between weakness of discipline and other crises
Saverio Santangelo, Maria Teresa Cutrì, Nicole Del Re, Francesca Perrone, Sapienza University of Roma

Valeria Lingua, University of Florence
Laura Pogliani, Iuav University of Venice

FOURTH SESSION – Concluding Round Table

Paolo Galuzzi, La Sapienza University of Rome

Andrea Arcidiacono, Politecnico di Milano
Laura Fregolent, Iuav University of Venice
Walter Tocci, Senator PD and Director of the SRC

Curators and speakers:
Michele Talia INU
Michele Talia is full professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino. As a public administration consultant he has coordinated the design groups of the Structural Plan and Urban Regulations of the Municipality of Siena and the Strategic Plan of the Province of Teramo.
Laura Ricci University of Roma "La sapienza"
Full Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Department of Planning Design Technology of Architecture (PDTA), Director of the School of Specialization in Natural and Territorial Heritage (BNT), Director of the Master Natural Capital and Protected Areas (CNAAPP), Sapienza University of Rome; Expert of PNR 2021/2027, MUR; currently carrying out research on contemporary city government, urban regeneration strategies, urban welfare.
Alessandro Calzavara INU Veneto
Graduated in Urban Planning, responsible for the Planning Area of AGRITECO s.c. Trusted consultant of ANCI Veneto for issues related to territorial planning. INU member and past-president of the National Association of Urban Planners and Territorial and Environmental Planners.
Carmen Mariano Sapienza University of Roma
Carmen Mariano is Associate Professor in Spatial and Urban Planning and Design at the PDTA Department, Sapienza - University of Rome and President of the Master's Degree Course in Architecture- Urban Regeneration, PDTA Sapienza Department - University of Rome.
Marsia Marino Sapienza University of Roma
Marsia Marino is an architect and PhD candidate in Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture at the PDTA Department of Sapienza - University of Rome.
Valentina Orioli Municipality of Bologna
Valentina Orioli, Councillor for Urban Planning and Environment of the Municipality of Bologna. She is a PhD student, Associate Professor of Technology and Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna, where she is in charge of the Operating Unit of Cesena Headquarters. He is Vice President of URBAN@IT, the National Centre for Urban Policy Studies, established in Bologna in December 2014.
Giorgio Caprari University of Camerino
Giorgio Caprari is a PhD student in sustainable urban planning at the School of Architecture and Design-University of Camerino; he deals with urban and landscape planning through the GIScience IT tools.
Rosalba D'Onofrio University of Camerino
Rosalba D'Onofrio, Associate Professor in Urbanism -School of Architecture and Design-University of Camerino. Research fields: urban regeneration and urban design.
Elio Trusiani University of Camerino
Elio Trusiani, associate professor at the University of Camerino, professor at the School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape of Sapienza University of Rome. He deals with urban regeneration, cultural heritage and landscape.
Saverio Santangelo Sapienza University of Roma
Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Sapienza PDTA, director of the URBAM master's degree, he currently carries out research on Erpe Sh, tourism sustainability and planning in coastal areas, local development; he is responsible for European projects.
Maria Teresa Cutrì Sapienza University of Roma
Architect, Phd in Theories and Design of Architecture. she has carried out research and produced publications for the Observatory on the Modern of Sapienza, until 2014. In addition to European projects, she works on the themes of urban and territorial transformation and social and environmental "disasters", with recent publications.
