Stefano Stanghellini, Presidente URBIT

The challenge of urban regeneration is faced on several fronts and with very diversified approaches. One of the main aspects is certainly that of the parts of the city which, having lost their original function for a while, are in a state of neglect. Another fundamental front is that of the parts of the city which, while retaining their original function, have a poor quality urban fabric, with obsolete buildings and an inadequate urban structure. The vastity of the areas and their other characteristics, the functions to be installed or resettled, the size of the investment to be activated, and many other specific aspects, form an unprecedented mix of conditions that requires, every time, the search for original solutions. Innovation concerns a plurality of contents: the strategic vision, the new functions to be installed or the original ones to be rethought, the interpretation of the social demand, the content and form of the urban project, adherence to the SDGs, the management structure and financing of an operation generally based on public-private partnership, and much more.
The presentation of some of the most stimulating projects conceived for various Italian cities has several objectives: enhancing the best experiences and making their protagonists known, feeding the urban planning debate with new contents, spreading good practices and stimulating emulative behavior.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Introduces and coordinates:
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President


Redevelopment of the San Siro district in Milano
Massimo Roj, CMR Project
Giovanni Verga, President of the Milano College of Engineers and Architects

Investire SGR 10 years of Social Housing in 100 projects
Paolo Boleso, Fund Coordinator InvestiRE

Prato: Urban Jungle
Valerio Barberis, Councillor for Urban Planning, Municipality of Prato
Francesco Caporaso, Urban Planning Manager, Municipality of Prato

Sustainable Urban Development and Regeneration Project_ITI Waterfront in Ancona 3.0
Ida Simonella, Councillor Porto Mobilità Finanze of the Municipality of Ancona

Conversion of the former Tobacco Factory in Verona
Paolo Signoretti, Rovim Srl
Ilaria Segala, Councillor for Urban Planning, Municipality of Verona

Bolzano: WaltherPark
Heinz Peter Hager, SIGNA

Bolzano: The Railway Area Project
Opening greetings:
Renzo Camaraschi,
Mayor of Bolzano
Daniel Alfreider,
Councillor for Mobility of the Province of Bolzano

Virna Bussadori, Director of the Nature, Landscape and Territorial Development Division of the Province of Bolzano
Boris Podrecca, Architect, Planner, Studio Boris Podrecca

Maria Ferrante, Lawyer, Partner of P&I – Studio Legale Guccione e Associati

Discussion with the speakers:
Gianni Biagi, URBIT Director
Paolo La Greca, University of Catania

Stefano Rebecchi, Municipality of Bolzano

Conclusion of works

Curators and speakers:
Stefano Stanghellini INU - URBIT
Architect, former President of the Inu and Full Professor of Estimo at the Iuav University of Venezia, he has directed his most recent work on the multidimensional feasibility of urban projects.
Gianni Biagi URBIT
Architect, he worked as an executive in public administration. He was a member of the City Council of Florence (Mayor Domenici). He has published in the main Italian architecture and urban planning magazines. Full member of INU since 1991.
Paolo La Greca University of Catania
Professor of "Technique and Urban Planning" at the University of Catania. He is president of the National Centre for Urban Studies (Rome); member of the executive council of the Italian Society of Urbanists and of the board of directors of INU Sicily. He has been Vice-President of the International Society of City and Regional Planners. Author of over 120 publications.
Massimo Roj CMR Project
Architect with more than 30 years of international experience, he is Founder and CEO of the Milanese integrated design company Progetto CMR. He regularly participates as a speaker at conferences on architecture and sustainability issues, on which he has also written numerous publications both in Italy and abroad.
Giovanni Verga Milano College of Engineers and Architects
Born in Milan, he graduated from the Politecnico in Civil Construction Engineering and has worked and continues to work in urban planning and construction. He has been Councillor in the Lombardy Region, the Province of Milan and the Municipality of Milan. He is Chairman of the College of Engineers and Architects, a continuing cultural institution of the historic College founded in Milan in 1563.
Paolo Boleso InvestiRE SGR
Fund Coordinator - BU Development & Social Housing of InvestiRE SGR. He coordinates the team of Investire SGR - the leading Italian real estate investment fund manager - for the development and management of Social Housing, Student Housing, Senior Housing, Private Rented Sector projects and, more generally, of any initiative that is characterized by innovative residential needs, for domestic and foreign clients.
Ilaria Segala Municipality of Verona
Ilaria Segala, a freelance engineer, lives and works in Verona where she has held the role of town planning, building and environment councillor of the Municipality of Verona for three years. Former President of the Order of Engineers of Verona and Province.
Virna Bussadori Province of Bolzano
Urban planner, she has been working for over 25 years in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, dealing with both municipal and territorial planning. Since March she has been in charge of the Nature, Landscape and Spatial Development Division. She is a member of the National Association of Town Planners and honorary president of the European Council of Town Planners.
Maria Ferrante Studio Legale Guccione e Associati
A lawyer expert in public contracts, she has developed a considerable specialization in relation to project finance operations, assisting numerous public and private entities both in the tender phase and in the subsequent financing and execution of the works.
