Angioletta Voghera, Politecnico di Torino

Protected natural areas are a strategic resource for health and well-being and for overcoming the fragility of the territory, and they can also be an occasion for the Italy to restart. The conference will discuss with Federparchi and the Italian nature protected areas how the paradigms of nature conservation and sustainable design of the territory are essentials, considering the changes that have occurred with the Covid-19 emergency. Tourism, as an integrated policy for conservation and development and enhancement of the landscape, is an opportunity for the revitalization of natural parks and protected areas and of the territory in various territorial contexts, marginal and urban.


Angioletta Voghera
, Polytechnic University of Turin, CED PPN-DIST, Community INU Paesaggio e biodiversità

Giampiero Sammuri
, The Covid-19 protocol for protected natural areas
Agostino Agostinelli, ParchiAperti initiative


Review of international cases
Anna Spenceley
, IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group Leader (TAPAS Group)

Sonia Anelli, Parchi del Ducato, STTfT – Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow

Sara Zappini, Director of Terme di Rabbi PN Stelvio, Trentino

Emma Taveri, Destination Marketing Manager and CEO  

The case of Parco delle 5 terre
Patrizio Scarpellini, Director of Parco delle Cinque Terre, Liguria

Dario Zocco, Director of Parco del Po – the strecht from Alessandria to Vercelli


Corrado Teofili, Paolo Pigliacelli, Federparchi, EUROPARC Italia, Gabriella Negrini, Luigi La Riccia, Emma Salizzoni, Benedetta Giudice, CED PPN, DIST – Polytechnic University of Turin

Curators and speakers:
Angioletta Voghera Coordinatore della Community INU Paesaggio e biodiversità
Architetto, è professore Ordinario di urbanistica presso il Dipartimento Interateneo di Scienze, progetto e politiche del territorio (DIST) del Politecnico e Università di Torino. È membro del comitato scientifico del centro interdipartimentale Responsible Risk Resilience - R3C.
Anna Spenceley TAPAS Group
Anna is Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS Group), is on the Board of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, and sits on the Independent Advisory Panel of Travalyst. She is editor of the forthcoming “Handbook for sustainable tourism practitioners” from Edward Elgar.
