Giordana Ferri, FHS – Social Housing Foundation
Ezio Manzini, DESIS Network

The theme
The “15 minutes city” is a city that offers itself as a platform where everything you need and everything you need to do every day is just a few minutes’ walk from where you live. It therefore becomes, in effect, a territory to be inhabited: a dwelling that extends from the residence to the neighborhood and to the various activities and services that can be found in it. And, for this reason, it proposes a vision of contemporary living based on a new idea of ​​proximity and the values ​​it can bring with it.
Originally, the idea of ​​the “15 minutes city” was motivated by ecological, social and economic reasons. Today, the Covid19 catastrophe is teaching us that social resilience and urban regeneration must be built starting from a new idea of ​​living and proximity. Which is exactly what characterizes the “15 minutes city”.
The “15 minutes city” is built by linking various programs on a local scale. Those relating to kindergartens, schools and social and health assistance centers, first of all. And then: greenery, the provision of public spaces and mobility. But also job opportunities: both those brought about by the territorial redistribution of online work, and those produced by the revitalization of traditional craft and industrial activities that still exist in the city, and their integration with the emerging experiences of digital crafts.

The conference
At the center of the conference is the “15 minutes city” theme understood as an extended inhabiting space based on an idea of ​​hybrid proximity. A proximity in which the private residence connects in a fluid and continuous way with the public space and with a multiplicity of activities and services. A proximity thanks to which the neighborhood is open to the entire city and the world; and in which everyday life can be consistent with the values ​​and practices that the environmental and social crisis require us to adopt.
Starting from here, the meeting discusses what are the governance and planning skills that are needed. And it does so by comparing the cases of some European cities where the experiences of social and urban innovation on which the proposal of the “15 minutes city” is based have been particularly relevant: Barcelona, ​​Copenhagen, Paris and Milan.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Ezio Manzini, DESIS Lab

City and proximity. A comparison between experiences: Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen and Milano

Salvador Rueda, Agència d’Ecologia Urbana, Barcellona
Birgitte Bundesen Svarre, Gehl Architects, Copenhagen
Carlos Moreno, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne I IAE, Parigi

Pierfrancesco Maran, Councillor for Urban Planning, Green and Agriculture, Municipality of Milano
Cristina Tajani, Councillor for Labour Policies, Production Activities, Trade and Human Resources, Municipality of Milano

Giordana Ferri, FHS – Social Housing Foundation

Round table:
Stefano Boeri, President Fondazione Triennale Milano
Davide Fassi, Professor of Design, Politecnico di Milano
Carolina Pacchi, Politecnico di Milano, Architecture and Urban Studies
Michele Talia, INU President


Curators and speakers:
Ezio Manzini DESIS Lab
He deals with design for social innovation and, on this theme, he founded the international network DESIS. He is Honorary Professor at the Polytechnic of Milano. Most recent books: "Design, When Everybody Designs", MIT Press 2015, Politiche del quotidiano, Edizioni di Comunità, 2018.
Giordana Ferri Executive Director FHS
Since 2008 Executive Director of FHS for which she has been designing the concepts of new residential interventions and the tools for the development and management of collaborative social housing. She participates in national and international conferences. She has published books and contributions in Italian and foreign trade magazines. In 2017 she curated the exhibition New Urban Body esperienze di generazione urbana at the Milan Triennale The exhibition NUB received the mention INDEX Compasso d'oro 2018.
Birgitte Bundesen Svarre Gehl Architects, Copenhagen
Director & Team Lead for Gehl Cities, she is responsible for various urban strategies, urban design and planning projects. Birgitte has been involved in numerous projects, mainly in Scandinavia and German speaking countries. Her role has been to ensure capacity building and local anchoring of the projects. Birgitte is actively involved in Masterclasses and workshops with expertise in everyday life, suburbs and small towns and is the co-author of the latest Gehl books, entitled ‘How to Study Public Life’ and editor, ‘Soft City’.
Pierfrancesco Maran Municipality of Milano
He was Councillor in the 3rd administrative area of Milan and City Councillor of Milan. From 2011 to 2016 he has been Deputy Mayor for Mobility, Environment, Subways, Public water and Energy. Among the policies he introduced, Area C and the development of car sharing have been the most relevant. In 2016 he has been reelected and he is currentily the Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Green Areas and Agriculture. ,
Cristina Tajani Municipality of Milano
Graduated in Economics and Social Sciences, she holds a PhD in Labour Sciences from the University of Milan. In 2011 she was elected by the Mayor of Milan, G. Pisapia, Councillor for Labour, Economic Development, University and Research. Confirmed by the Mayor Giuseppe Sala, who elected her Councillor for Labour Policies, Production Activities, Trade and Human Resources.
Davide Fassi Polytechnic of Milan, Department of Design
Associate Professor in Design at the Polytechnic of Milano, he coordinates the Polimi DESIS Lab and the neighbourhood laboratory "Off Campus Nolo". He published "In the neighbourhood" (2017) and won the XXV Compasso d'Oro with the project "campUS - incubation and staging of social practices".
