Carmela GianninoRosario Pavia, INU – URBIT

The growing attention to environmental protection, the safety of road networks and the sustainable development of the cities and internal areas of our country, has contributed to relaunching the theme of slow or slow mobility understood as a cycle and pedestrian network.

In particular, pedestrian mobility today represents a great opportunity for urban redevelopment and the enhancement of historic centers and villages in inland areas.

The walking itineraries allow you to fully experience a territory and interact with the local population, the nature and culture of the places, help to revive abandoned villages by offering opportunities and opportunities for development.

However, it is necessary to have an overall view of the experiences and projects in progress and to activate forms of sustainable use and management that favor the integration of the environmental, cultural, economic and social resources that the area offers.
The conference, as part of a broader project of integrated mobility, aims to represent some experiences focused on the value of walking as a social way to travel through the territories, meet the spaces and places of the different belonging that make the urban and rural fabric rich. , helping to support micro-economies, helping to create new territorial structures and new communities. Experiences that propose the journey as a way to promote mild tourism, which creates solidarity and community, which invites you to rediscover the territory, to reconnect with the places of living, crossing other cultures and giving people back the centrality.


Frameworks, motivations and expectations:
Carmen Giannino
Rosario Pavia
, INU – URBIT, University of Chieti-Pescara

“Reti per la mobilità integrata” project
Francesco Sbetti, INU – URBIT

– Cammini – ideas, projects and sustainable development models for cities and inland areas

Regenerate citizens and cities, with the Piedibus of Ben Essere and Community Gardening
Erminia Battista, Medical Officer USL Umbria 1

Pedestrian networks
Paolo Piacentini
, Federtreck President, Mibact consultant

“Cammina, Molise! Per la valorizzazione dei borghi molisani” project
Giovanni Germano
, Associazione La Terra President

From rural paths to “urban proximity (and community) paths”
Sandro Polci, Director of Festival Europeo della Via Francigena

The participatory explorations of radionomads in Human Landscapes
Carlo Infante, Urban Experience

The Way in the changed lands
Enrico Sgarella
, Ass. Movimento Tellurico, trekking ecologia e solidarietà President

“Intorno alle mura di Roma” project
Annabella D’Elia, Committee Mura Latine President

The periphery of wonders
Ilaria Canali
, Spokeperson Rete nazionale delle donne in cammino

Architecture walks: the Vicenza experience
Marisa Fantin
, Architect in Vicenza

Walk Italy. Slow reporting in the real country
Alfredo Di Giovampaolo
, Journalist for Rainews24

Ermete Realacci
, Fondazione Symbola President

Conclusion of the session:
Carmen Giannino
Rosario Pavia
, INU – URBIT, University of Chieti-Pescara