Elio Morino, INU – URBIT

Mountains, residential and tourism: changes and perspectives
The territory is not all the same and living is not always the same thing. The mountain also presents a vertical landscape, the surfaces implemented by the slope of the hillsides. There is a need for a different urban project that coexists with the “slope” and therefore uses a network and a system of micro-urbanization and communications (from pathways to local networks to energy used extensively from minor sources). The issue of structurally seasonal residency, but not only tourist.

Agriculture and crafts in the mountains
The themes of the fight against depopulation and desertification, with the testimony of positive projects, which concern mountain agriculture (Ager projects, resilient valleys), with the system of connected micro-communities. Not only the distance caused by Covid, but the distance between the settlements as a character of the territory and an opportunity more than a limit for an economy with elements of circularity.

The planning and cultural capacity on the mountain territory
A rich regulatory framework for the mountain territories that must allow a real change of pace for communities. The new or old design languages and the recovery of ancient roads (military roads and ancient transhumance routes). So not only and not so much different rules, but a different hierarchy of rules. An ability to collaborate and experiment with new cross-border solutions, a precise need for renewal and growth, innovation and green policies for mountain communities. Competitiveness is not between Alpine or Apennine valleys, but between development-oriented parts of Europe. It is no more difficult here than elsewhere. Not less simple here than in Voralberg, in Haute-Savoie, in Tyrol. Cultural capacity still ranks first in priorities.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Introductions and moderators:
Elio MorinoAntonio Fassone INU


Elena Jachia, Cariplo Foundation, Environment Area Director
Claudia Pedercini, Innovation Manager of “AttivAree – Resilient Valleys” Project, Tourist circuit of the welcoming and supportive Valleys
Camillo De Pellegrin, Mayor of the Municipality of Val di Zoldo, Belluno
Tiziano Maffezzini, Mayor of Chiuro, President of Comunità Montana Valtellina di Sondrio
Piercarlo Grimaldi, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Rector of the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, Bra
Valentina Cairo, Cariplo Foundation, Project manager Project AGER
Anna Gaviglio, University of Milan – IALS project manager, financed by AGER
Alessandro Delpiano, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Area Planning Manager
Giovanni Teneggi, National Coordinator of Community Cooperatives
Federica Corrado, Polytechnic of Torino, Dislivelli Association 
Francesco Sbetti, INU – URBIT, Urbanist
Giampiero Lupatelli, CAIRE Consorzio, Territorial Economist

Marco Bussone, UNCEM President

Curators and speakers:
Architect and city planner, member of the board of the INU Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Section. Former municipal manager, president and member of municipal and provincial landscape commissions, member of the technical-scientific committee of Urbanpromo Social Housing.
Antonio Fassone INU
Antonio Fassone,architect and town planner,member of the INU Piemonte board. Former municipal administrator in Asti with planning management roles and former member of the board of directors of the CRT foundation and president of IVREA 24 ABITARE SOSTENIBILE operating in social housing.
Elena Jachia Cariplo Foundation
Director of the Environment Area of Fondazione Cariplo. Graduated in Economic and Social Disciplines at Bocconi University, she has developed her activity in the field of environmental consultancy. Since 2007 she has coordinated the environmental sector of the Cariplo Foundation. Active in the ACR Environment Commission, she is currently Chair of the European Environmental Funders Group.
Claudia Pedercini "AttivAree - Resilient Valleys" Project, Tourist circuit of the welcoming and supportive Valleys
PhD in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Verona, she has collaborated with the Social Housing Foundation. Since 2017 he has been responsible for the innovation of "AttivAree - Valli Resilienti" Project, project manager at the Mountain Community of Valle Trompia and Director and Head of the Plan Office of Ghedi (Brescia).
Camillo DE Pellegrin Municipality of Val di Zoldo
Mayor of the Municipality Val di Zoldo, formerly Mayor of the Municipality of Forno di Zoldo since 2011. Graduated in Law at the University of Ferrara. Currently President of the Unione Montana Cadore Longaronese Zoldo and of the Dolomiti Bellunesi Basin Council. Member of the Board of Directors of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park Authority.
Valentina Cairo AGER- AGroalimentare E Ricerca
Valentina Cairo is Project Manager of AGER- AGroalimentare E Ricerca, a collaborative project between 16 Foundations of banking origin committed to supporting research in the agro-food field. With a PhD in agricultural economics, she is responsible for the planning of project activities, coordination and management of funded projects.
Anna Gaviglio University of Milano
Full Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Estimation at the University of Milan - VESPA. She is the author of 110 scientific publications and responsible for competitive projects concerning the valorisation of animal production, including the IALS Project financed by Ager Montagna.
Alessandro Delpiano Metropolitan City of Bologna
Director of the Territorial Planning Area of the Metropolitan City of Bologna. He has been consultant to the Technical Mission Structure of the Ministry of Infrastructures. He is a member of the National Commission on PUMS. Lecturer at the Master in Urban Desarrollo of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. He has taught at Italian and foreign universities.
Giovanni Teneggi Community Cooperatives
Giovanni Teneggi operates in Confcooperative for the development of community enterprises. In this field he carries out research, consultancy and dissemination activities. He has written for AbaoAqu, Donzelli, Il Mulino, FrancoAngeli stories, essays and articles on the analysis and modelling of this phenomenon.
Federica Corrado Polytechnic of Torino, Dislivelli Association 
Associate Professor of Technology and Urban Planning at the Politecnico di Torino. She carries out research on the themes of local development planning and planning of mountain areas. She was President of CIPRA Italy (2014-2020). Co-founder in 2009 of the Associazione Dislivelli, within which she is Head of Research
Francesco Sbetti INU - URBIT
Francesco Sbetti, Urbanist, heads the design company SISTEMA based in Venezia and Bolzano. Member of the CDR of INU Veneto, he is director of the magazine URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI of INU. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara.
