Chiara Bartolozzi, Cristina Chiavarino, Cariplo Foundation

Culture can represent the engine of a regeneration and a different development of our cities. It can unite citizenship, raise the social capital of a community, provide local economies with new energy. The theme was at the center of a multiplicity of initiatives and meetings and yet today it can be analyzed starting from the effects that the projects and initiatives have brought about not only thanks to important international examples, but also on the basis of rich and in-depth experiences locals.
The aim of the seminar consists in the first place in the presentation of some relevant experiences that have characterized both some medium-sized cities – in this case: Bergamo and Novara – and the city of Milan. The hypothesis is that a cultural-based development can represent a perspective for all cities without particular distinctions of role and size.
Furthermore, together with technicians and administrators, the seminar aims to elaborate specific policies that allow principles and guidelines to be transformed into actions endowed with effectiveness and incisiveness. The challenge is represented by the possibility of developing a set of tools with which to intervene starting from the joint effort of the public operator and private actors.
Finally, the seminar aims to outline metrics and tools to evaluate the impact of actions for a regeneration on a cultural basis: the reduction to the economic-financial dimension alone appears to be a reductive choice and new methodologies are necessary in particular on the front of public policies.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Institutional greetings:
Davide Maggi, Cariplo Foundation

Introduces and moderates:
Ezio Micelli, Iuav University of Venezia

Three experiences in comparison:
Alessandro Rigoletti, Pocket Theatre of Bergamo
Pier Massimo Cinquetti, Casa Bossi in Novara
Thomas Emmenegger, PuntoCom former Trotter boarding school in Milano
Alessandro Canelli, Mayor of Novara
Anna Scavuzzo, Deputy Mayor of Milano
Dario Moneta, Director of the Specialised Management and Monitoring Authority Plans, Municipality of Milano
Davide Agazzi, Project Manager Smart Lab Brindisi
Elena Ostanel, Iuav University of Venezia
Stefano Moroni, Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano


Curators and speakers:
Davide Maggi Art&Culture Referent of the Fondazione Cariplo
Full Professor of Business Economics at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Studies of the University of Eastern Piedmont. Member of the Board of Directors of Fondazione Cariplo, where he is a reference point for the Art&Culture sector.
Ezio Micelli IUAV University of Venezia
Full professor of project appraisal and economic evaluation at the IUAV University of Venezia, scientific director of the URise Master, Ezio Micelli deals with innovative reuse of public heritage and urban regeneration actions promoted by associations and social enterprises.
Alessandro Rigoletti Teatro Tascabile of Bergamo
Alessandro Rigoletti has been an actor at Teatro Tascabile of Bergamo since 1996. Since 2015 he has been personally supervising the project for the recovery and cultural enhancement of the Carmine monastery, seat of the TTB and object of the first Special Public Private Partnership in Italy.
Pier Massimo Cinquetti Sole Director of Base engineering srl
Architect, together with Studio Base, with offices in Torino, Milano, Lugano and Nanjing, he has designed and built over the years many public, residential and commercial buildings, a series of public space projects, projects for the redesign of industrial and historical areas and has participated in numerous free competitions and national and international invitations. Since 2002 he has been a founding partner and Sole Director of Base engineering srl.
Thomas Emmenegger President of Olinda
FMH psychiatrist and psychotherapist; social entrepreneur; founder and president of Olinda, a social and cultural enterprise.
Alessandro Canelli Mayor of Novara
A Managing Partner of Europol snc since 1999, between 2014 and 2015 he was a collaborator of the Business Development office for Fondazione Filarete in Milan. From 2009 to 2014 he was Councillor for Culture, University, Scientific Research, Youth Policy, Cultural Heritage and Activities, Sport and Leisure, Security and Provincial Police of the Province of Novara.
Anna Scavuzzo Deputy Major of Milano
Since 2017 she has been delegated by the Mayor to coordinate Milano's Food Policy, promoting synergies between the Departments, the subsidiaries and all the city's stakeholders who act to make the Milanese food system more sustainable. Milano's Food Policy has received numerous awards, becoming an excellence and a case study at national and international level.
Dario Moneta Municipality of Milan
Manager of the Municipality of Milan since 2000. Over the years he has been in charge of Human Resources, Sport, Green, Municipalities. Currently responsible for the Neighbourhood Plan project and the coordination of the management of community funds.
Davide Agazzi Project Manager Smart Lab Brindisi
Expert in local development policies and social innovation pathways.
Elena Ostanel University Iuav of Venezia
Elena Ostanel is Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow for the NEIGHBOURCHANGE project at the Iuav University of Venice. In Iuav she has been coordinating since 2015 the first Italian Master dedicated to Urban Regeneration and Social Innovation U-Rise. He is visiting researcher at TUDelft- Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and University of Toronto- Faculty of Social Work.
Stefano Moroni Politecnico di Milano
Stefano Moroni is professor of urban planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Politecnico di Milano. His research is mainly focused on planning theory, applied ethics and philosophy of law.
