Giuseppe De Luca, INU Edizioni President

Proposte di lettura is a container for reflection of Urbanpromo Libri in which some volumes published during 2020 are presented and discussed, which cross the themes of planning and urban planning dealt with the words of some authors. The container is divided into two sections: “Dialogue” and “Comparison”.
For the “Dialogue” Section the book that will be presented and discussed is:

Gianluca Cepollaro, Bruno Zanon (ed.), Il governo del territorio montano nello spazio europeo, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2020


Introduces and coordinates:
Giuseppe De Luca, University of Florence, President of INU Edizioni

Governance of mountain territory in the European space

Michele Talia, INU President
Maurizio Dematteis, Association of Differences in Level
Giampiero Lupatelli, CAIRE Consortium
Elio Morino, INU – URBIT
Francesco Sbetti, Urban Planning Information
Maurizio Tomazzoni, INU Trentino

The curators will be present:
Gianluca Cepollaro and Bruno Zanon

Curators and speakers:
Michele Talia INU
Michele Talia is full professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino. As a public administration consultant he has coordinated the design groups of the Structural Plan and Urban Regulations of the Municipality of Siena and the Strategic Plan of the Province of Teramo.
Maurizio De Matteis Dislivelli Association
He is the secretary of the association Dislivelli, founded in 2009 in Turin by university researchers and journalists specialized in the field of the Alps and mountains, with the aim of promoting the meeting and collaboration of multidisciplinary skills in the study, documentation, research and training on the high lands.
Maurizio Tomazzoni INU Trentino
Maurizio Tomazzoni, architect, President of the INU Trentino Section, was Councillor for Town Planning, Heritage and Culture of the Municipality of Rovereto.
Gianluca Cepollaro Trentino School of Management
He is vice-director of the tsm-Trentino School of Management at which he directs the step-School for the government of the territory and the landscape. He is a training expert and has published texts and articles on training processes and skills. In recent years he has declined such interests in landscape education.
Elio Morino INU - URBIT
Architect and city planner, member of the board of the INU Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Section. Former municipal manager, president and member of municipal and provincial landscape commissions, member of the technical-scientific committee of Urbanpromo Social Housing.
Francesco Sbetti INU - URBIT
Francesco Sbetti, Urbanist, heads the design company SISTEMA based in Venezia and Bolzano. Member of the CDR of INU Veneto, he is director of the magazine URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI of INU. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara.
Bruni Zanon STEP
Former professor of Technology and Urban Planning at the University of Trento, he is a member of the Scientific Committee of tsm|step Scuola per il governo del territorio e del paesaggio. He has carried out research activities in the fields of territorial planning, development of mountain areas, Alpine landscape. Per step has coordinated the development of two educational exhibitions on landscape and territorial government in Trentino.
