404: Not Found URBANPROMO BOOKS : READING PROPOSALS- Third session – Edizione 2020 – EN

Reading proposals is a container for reflection by Urbanpromo Libri in which are presented and discussed some volumes published in 2020, which cross the themes of planning and urbanism treated in the words of some authors. The container is divided into two sections: “Dialogue” and “Comparison”.
For the “Dialogue” section the books that will be presented and discussed are:

– Attilio Belli (curated by), Pensare lo spazio urbano. Intrecci tra Italia e Francia nel Novecento, F. Angeli, Milano2020

– Lorenzo Ciccarelli, Il mito dell’equilibrio. Il dibattito anglo-italiano per il governo del territorio negli anni del dopoguerra, Angeli, Milano 2020

– Marichela Sepe, Spazi pubblici nella città contemporanea. Dai principi alle buone pratiche, INU Edizioni, Roma2020

– Gilda Berruti, Fuori Percorsi e ragionamenti su urbanistica e informale, INU Edizioni, Roma 2019


Introduces and coordinates:
Giuseppe De Luca, University of Firenze, President of INU Edizioni

Session A – 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Thinking about urban space. Interweaving between Italy and France in the twentieth century
The myth of balance. The Anglo-Italian debate for the government of the territory in the post-war years

Filippo De Pieri, Polytechnic of Turin
Michelangelo Russo, University “Federico II” of Naples
Simone Ombuen, University of Rome TRE

Session B – 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Public spaces in the contemporary city. From principles to good practices

Marco Mareggi, Milan Polytechnic
Francesco Rotondo, Polytechnic University of Marche

Out of the norm. Routes and reasoning on urban and informal planning

Laura Lieto, University “Federico II” of Napoli
Fabio Amato, University “Federico II” of Napoli

Giuseppe De Luca, President of INU Edizioni

Curators and speakers:
Giuseppe De Luca INU Edizioni
Full Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Department of Architecture at the University of Firenze. He was Secretary of the Tuscany Section. He directed the Giovanni Astengo Foundation and was Secretary General of INU. He has held the position of President of INU Edizioni. He is interested in regional and wide area planning.
Marichela Sepe INU
Researcher of Urban Planning, National Research Council. Vice-president of the Campania Section of the INU. She is part of the editorial staff of the magazine Urbanistica. urban and socio-economic creative regeneration, sustainable land planning, public space and urban health and livability are her fields of research.
GILDA BERRUTI University "Federico II" of Napoli
Researcher of Urban Planning, University Federico II of Naples. Her research interests concern: public spaces in the relationship between form and social dimension, the social construction of the plan, the environment as a declination of the new urban question.
MARCO MAREGGI Polytechnic of Milano
Researcher of Urban Planning, Polytechnic of Milan. He is part of the editorial staff of the magazine Urbanistica. Description and spatio-temporal design of the city, open spaces and ordinary landscapes are the focus of his activity.
FRANCESCO ROTONDO Polytechnic University of Marche
Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Polytechnic University of Marche. President of the Puglia Section of INU. The study and development of public decision support systems in the field of urban planning are his fields of research.
LAURA LIETO University Federico II of Napoli
Professor of Urban Planning, University Federico II of Napoli. Planning theorist and urban ethnographer, the research is focused on urban informality, transnational urban planning and planning regulation, with a socio-materialist orientation inspired by the theory and assembly of Actor Network.
FABIO AMATO University "Federico II" of Napoli
Associate Professor of Geography, University of Naples "L'Orientale", heads the Centre for Cultural Processing Mobility, International Migrations (MoMi). The research is addressed to urban and social geography in the South of Italy and to the theme of migration flows and transformation of urban space.
