Chiara Bartolozzi, Cristina Chiavarino, Cariplo Foundation

Culture can represent the engine of a regeneration and a different development of our cities. It can unite citizenship, raise the social capital of a community, provide local economies with new energy. The theme was at the center of a multiplicity of initiatives and meetings and yet today it can be analyzed starting from the effects that the projects and initiatives have brought about not only thanks to important international examples, but also on the basis of rich and in-depth experiences locals.
The aim of the seminar consists in the first place in the presentation…


Vittorio Salmoni, INU – URBIT

Cultural places, particularly in the post-Covid era, represent one of the crucial factors of a city’s economy, laboratories of ideas, centers of attraction, comparison, dissemination, socialization. The most important Italian cities have rethought and regenerated entire parts around a Museum, a seat of a Cultural Foundation.
The villages of the inland areas focus on places of culture and digital technologies to structure their future. Today the urban and territorial role of cultural spaces is expanding, diversifying to the point of taking on completely unexpected features: it happens that heterogeneous functions are concentrated in them that…