Sustainable Urban Development and Regeneration Strategy ITI Waterfront Ancona 3.0

In the framework defined by the EU legislation and the Partnership Agreement, the Marche Region has identified Integrated Territorial Investment ITI_Investimenti Territoriali Integrati as the most appropriate instrument to support integrated actions able to combine funding related to different thematic axes of the ROP ERDF 2014-20 funds able to maximize the impacts and spin-offs in urban areas.

Therefore, in 2016 the regional authority has launched a call for proposals addressed to the provincial capitals aimed at selecting 3 proposals for urban strategies that can be financed with a contribution equal to 80% of the total investment.

The Municipal Administration of Ancona,…


Maria Chiara Tosi, Marta De Marchi, Michela Pace, Iuav University of Venice

Wetlands are vulnerable environments and their protection intertwines environmental and scientific aspects with governance problems.

Wetlands not only provide the resources upon which countless species of plants and animals depend, but they perform important environmental and economic functions. They are the main carbon stockers, they help reduce flood events, improve water quality and represent a precious cultural heritage and an important natural heritage.

Starting from these fragilities, many institutions have taken action by promoting wetland contracts, multilevel governance tools aimed at achieving global effects on coastal wetland ecosystems and…