The Urban Regeneration of the former Tobacco Factory in Verona, promoted and led by the entrepreneurs Hager and Signoretti, has as its main objective to reconnect the city to the exhibition center in ZAI, passing through the future high-speed train station, creating a place of life and attraction for the whole community.

The compendium will become a destination place composed of a mix of functions: three hotels, commercial spaces, offices and services, about 900 underground parking spaces and in the central square, as a reminder of industrial activity, the brick chimney.
The fast and safe connection between the Fair and the city will be made thanks to the tramway and the bicycle-pedestrian connection.

An intervention careful to the environment, to the welfare of people and their needs, which will allow to relive the history and memory of the place, but at the same time to breathe the future, which will be rich in quality and beauty, sharing, sociality and development.
The planned investment is about 120 million euros. The reclamation and demolition works have already started and the completion of the works is expected by the end of 2023.