The University of Camerino coordinates a network of 8 Italian and Croatian partners which work on target areas on the two sides of the Adriatic Sea, within the Interreg Italy-Croatia Program, (Irena-Istrian Regional Energy Agency L.T.D.; Comune di San Benedetto del Tronto; Regione Abruzzo; Comune di Pescara; Sdewes-International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems; Primorje-Gorski Kotar County; County of Split-Dalmatia; Municipality of Vela Luka) with the aim of:

– Gathering data and assessing climate change risks, planning joint adaptation actions;

– Raising citizens’ awareness about risks and appropriate measures related to climate change through workshops, seminars, websites, advertising, and promotional materials.

– Creating a web platform in which case studies, climate and energy measures, data on risks will be available for free to all interested stakeholders and citizens.

The project idea reflects the necessity to operate on a wider district level and better define strategies and actions for climate change adaptation.

The first phase is developed to build the common methodology for Joint Actions definition and implementation and to share the basic knowledge about climate change adaptation strategies and energy efficiency measures. The second phase starts upon the analysis uploaded in the web platform, acting as a useful tool for the development of scenarios for the Joint Actions to be implemented in the Joint SECAP plans, the main project deliverable.

The duration of the project is 30 months. The project started on the1st of January 2019 and lasts until the 30th of June 2021.

The project benefits from public funding from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

of 1,780,628.88 € and national co-financing of 314,228.63 € which makes a total budget of 2,094,857.50 €.