In March 2019, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation launched the ioabitosocial platform dedicated to the search for temporary social housing solutions in Italy:

The ioabitosocial platform is an opportunity to network, linking the ever-increasing demand of people looking for short term housing solutions with the offer of the many “temporary housing” managers in Italy. It is aimed at people in a stressful housing situation, students, travelling professionals, city users, elderly people, young couples.
The aim of the platform is to facilitate the search for temporary housing solutions through geolocation and identification of needs and requirements, making existing Social Housing realities visible and accessible through the application by the managers.
The project is the result of an initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, but relies on the participation of all the temporary Social Housing realities in our country. Through its Mission Living between home and territory, the Foundation considers social housing as an answer to emerging questions, integrating people’s economic, social, relational and working needs and experimenting with new and replicable models. It also promotes urban regeneration projects in which living represents an opportunity to transform the territory according to principles of social and environmental sustainability. The Mission Living between home and territory contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Objectives: 1. Defeating poverty, 10. Reducing inequalities, 11. Sustainable cities and communities.